Crip Spacetime | The Weekly Read

Cover of Crip Spacetime: Access, Failure, and Accountability in Academic Life by Margaret Price. Cover features a university building with grass in the foreground. A sign indicating a disabled entrance is between the words Crip and Spacetime. It is very far away from the building.

The Weekly Read is Crip Spacetime: Access, Failure, and Accountability in Academic Life by Margaret Price. The book examines the experiences of disabled academics to show how attempts at providing individual accommodations actually impede rather than enhancing access. Sara Ahmed writes, “Crip Spacetime is a very important book not only for disability studies, gender studies, and race studies but also for anyone whose project is to think deeply about how the reproduction of institutions as being for some and not for others is a form of institutional violence. Margaret Price shows that we need collective accountability to do more than get more disabled people through the door, teaching us that if we listened to disabled academics, we would learn how to build better universities.” Margaret Price is Associate Professor of English at the Ohio State University and author of Mad at School: Rhetorics of Mental Disability and Academic Life. Read this fascinating book now for free! This title is made open-access due to funding from Ohio State University.

The Weekly Read is a weekly feature in which we highlight articles, books, and chapters that are freely available online. You’ll be able to find a link to the selection here on the blog as well as on our social media channels. Enjoy The Weekly Read, and check back next week for something new to read for free.

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